MPH#108 - The Journey of Self Discovery & Reinvention With Guest Chad Weller

Are you open to change? Once you decide to commit, the universe follows through. In this inspirational interview, you’ll hear how today's guest, Chad Weller, transformed his life from modeling and substance addiction to becoming a professional ultra marathon runner, a high performance coach and motivational speaker. This is an episode you will want to add to your favorites and listen to again and again so you can integrate and implement all the gold that Chad shares to help you thrive! Episode Highlights: *From 5 Rock Bottoms to Self Discovery & Reinvention *Aligning Yourself with the Universe *Transform What You Control *What Makes People Decide to Do Something Different? *Be Courageous to Face Your Sh!t *The High Performance Mindset *Don’t Fear Human Connection By Sharing Stories *The Mindset You Need to Run 104 Miles *Being Present & Slowing Down *Should You Treat Your Business Like A Marathon? *Leading With Your Heart *Get Specific With Where You Want To Go Chad's Top 3 Max Potential Habits: 1. Access Your Passion & Purpose 2. Understand Your Lifestyle 3. Be Persistent & Focus on the Little Wins Links to GUEST: Sign up for a 60 minute breakthrough session with Chad - Chad’s Bio: Over the course of two decades Chad has helped thousands of people realize their potential. Focusing on successful people who may have gotten off their path, Chad helps create high performance life habits to empower them to live their best life. Chad Weller is a high performance life coach and entrepreneur. He has traveled the globe for years as a model, professional ultra marathon runner, and speaker. His passion is to inspire those who are willing to grow. With gritty determination Chad overcame adversity in his own life and now serves as an example of what is possible. A dynamic public speaker, Chad encourages people in groups by teaching diverse audiences how to stay the course with heartfelt and practical insight into his own struggles and triumphs. Over the course of two decades Chad has helped thousands of people realize their potential and is prepared to help you reach yours too. 👉🏼If you’re getting value from the Max Potential Money Podcast, LEAVE A REVIEW! Here’s how to do it, in under 5-minutes - with or without an iTunes account: 🙏🏼Thanks in advance! This helps us reach more entrepreneurs, just like you, who want to make more money and impact from building businesses they love. ++++ In gratitude, you’ll receive a $10.00 Starbucks gift card. Simply, take a screenshot of your iTunes review, send it to [email protected] and within 72 hours, we’ll email your electronic Starbucks coupon. ☕️ *********** Watch the NFA Money Masterclass: The #1 Deadly Money Mistake All Entrepreneurs Make. This is a 45-minute deep-dive into Competing Commitments™ and the top 3 money blocks that keep entrepreneurs stuck - and tips to refocus your efforts to make money faster. *********** Max Potential Money on YouTube: *********** Links to Dr. Amanda & @NFAMoney: Website: LinkedIn: Insta: